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Fedorov V.M.
Omsk state pedagogical University
E-mail: viktor702460@mail.ru
Abstract. This article examines the nature and characteristics of organizational values regional University; the basic forms of existence values; are the key values of a regional University; it focuses on a value approach to the management of the organizational culture of the University.
Keywords: values, University, improvement, management, organizational culture.
The core of the organizational culture, undoubtedly, are the values on which norms are developed and behaviour in the organization. It values shared and declared by the founders and most influential members of the organization, often become the key link, which determines the cohesion of employees, formed a unity of thought and action, and thereby achieve the goals of the organization.
The system of values in the broadest sense — is the inner core of culture, a unifying element of all forms of social consciousness [1]. The value is a dimension of culture, defining its essential characteristics. P. A. Sorokin noted that “value is the basis and Foundation of culture” [2].
Values can be considered as significant, accepted and shared in the social system beliefs about the goals that must seek its members and the principal means to achieve them. They are designed to ensure the integration of the organization, helping employees to carry out socially approved choice of their behavior. The system of values forms the “spiritual quintessence” of the needs and interests of individuals and social communities.
Functioning, regional universities interact with a certain system of values, which is part of the General system of values of the environment. In performing its functions under the valuable exterior space, regional universities justify their existence in relation to society, realizing the values of social responsibility and citizenship. The adoption of common values is a prerequisite for the orderly existence of the regional University.
Values — a key variable of organizational culture carried on from generation to generation, preserving the continuity. This provides a certain stability and continuity of the cultural layer of the regional University.
The value of regional University-based knowledge and understanding, which are regarded by them as inseparably with the existence of educational organizations, give meaning, the meaning of its functioning, orienting its actions in a changing environment.
A set of values that should the employee of a regional University, it is valuable base on which the surrounding judged on what he represents as a person. Due to its value and the basis of each employee within an educational organization under a common system of values an individual value position. Values change in the process of interpersonal interaction and exchange of values. In organizations that are serious about the harmony of the values of the employee and values of the organization, the issues of combining these two systems should be given serious attention. In particular, work is needed on forming a clear, clarify and communicate to all members of the regional University system of corporate values followed by the organization. However, not all corporate values, perceived and even accepted by employees as such, are really becoming their personal values. The realization of certain values and positive attitude towards it is clearly not enough. Moreover, it is not always justified. A necessary condition for the adoption of this value is the practical involvement of employee in activities of the regional University, focused on the realization of this value. Only by acting daily in accordance with corporate values, respecting the norms and rules of conduct, the employee may be a representative of the organization. Full employee identification with the organization means that it not only complies with the standards and rules of behaviour but also internally fully accepts the values of the University.
The value of staff as an element of the informal culture of their counterparts in the formal system have goals. And those and others determine the basis and guidelines for the development of the educational organization and serve to unite all levels of the organizational pyramid.
A. I. Prigozhin has identified several groups of values:
1) the values of punctuality, discipline, stability, security, responsibility, consistency;
2) value development, innovation, proactivity, competitiveness, customer focus, creativity, professionalism, quality, efficiency, market leadership, strategic, commitment;
3) the value of relationships — teamwork, mutual commitment, trust, competitiveness, respect, kindness, democracy, dignity, openness, honesty;
4) the values of prosperity — profitability, well-being, safety, loyalty, conflict-free;
5) social values — social responsibility, benefits to society, equality, fairness [3, p. 37].
Sharing and developing views of the researcher D. A. Leontiev, one can distinguish three basic forms of existence of organizational values:
1) the ideals — developed leadership and share them generalized ideas about perfection in various forms and spheres of activity of the organization
2) the embodiment of these ideals in the activities and behavior of employees within the organization,
3) internal motivational structure of the personality of employees of the organization, encouraging expression in his behavior and activities of the corporate value of the ideal [4] .
These forms have a hierarchical structure of awareness by the workers and gradually into one another: organizational and cultural ideals are assimilated by the staff and are beginning to encourage their activity as “models proper”, resulting in substantive realization of these models. Subject embodied values, in turn, become the basis for formation of organizational ideals and so on to infinity. This process is repeated continuously improving at every new stage of development of the organizational culture of the organization.
Values management involves the organization of the following complex:
1) the achievement of clarity the key factors in the success of the regional University;
2) to achieve full understanding and recognition of common values, a regional University from its staff;
3) achieving consensus and clarity in the operations of workers to the success of regional University.
Thus, values are a powerful regulator of individual and group behavior staff, which displays the vital principles, the goals of the organization and the choice of personality of the ways to implement them. The degree of clarity and correctness of individual values is manifested in the power position in life of the person, its activity, initiative, creativity and internal motivation to achievements. Therefore, attention to the personal values of employees of a regional University and it is expedient from the point of view of improvement of activity of the educational organization.