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To the Issue of Development of Innovative Teaching Methods In Piano Class

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Автор(ы): Кабдурахманова Луиза Бахтиеровна
Рубрика: Искусствоведение
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №10 2018»  (октябрь, 2018)
Количество просмотров статьи: 1667
Показать PDF версию To the Issue of Development of Innovative Teaching Methods In Piano Class

Кабдурахманова Луиза Бахтиеровна
старший преподаватель
кафедры специального фортепиано
Государственная консерватория Узбекистана
Ташкент, Узбекистан
E-mail: kabdurakhmanovaluiza@gmail.com

Abstract: Currently in music education, the most relevant is the development of methods for the development of the performing abilities of the students using the synthesis of modern pedagogical and information technologies, new resources. This article is devoted to the study of these issues, such as the need to improve modern requirements for training in performance skills through the organization of creative processes and involvement in the problem of technical training. Studying of modern pedagogical technologies; the definition of the structure and content of the classes in the formation of the performing abilities of students; development of system of formation of creative abilities of students by means of information technology.

Key words: student, technology, ability, development, piano, music.

The content of the subject special piano built on the basis of system-structural approach to organization of educational process taking into account pedagogical conditions of optimization of process of formation of readiness of future specialist for professional activity: ensuring the realization of the relationship of theoretical and pedagogical disciplines with the subject of piano.

The modern teacher should have a broad Outlook and flexible thinking active, own approach to learning, where the Central place is taken by the student. It is necessary to provide students with every opportunity for active participation in the learning process, arouse their maximum interest in training in the specialty. The development of performance abilities of the student by means of information technology enriches the teaching methods, developing aesthetic taste, broadens the mind.

The improvement of music education in the conditions of radical transformations in the world over the last decades require adaptation and flexible response to changes in the cultural environment, which should lead to increased attention to the problems of music education in educational musical institutions. Modern student is the child of the twenty-first century. The time itself requires a diversity of methodological approaches in educational activities. Music-pedagogical practice needs innovative pedagogical technologies of music education. Changes in the social life of our country greatly affected the education system and culture. The student becomes the main figure of the learning process.

An important task was the formation of creative thinking and productive activities of students for a free implementation of capabilities and abilities of the individual in society.

As we know, learning music at any stage has two educational functions: improving musical and creative abilities, formation of culture of students in the arts.

At the moment there are two main trends in music education:

1. Pedagogical innovation (development of new methods and technologies in education);

2. Adherence to traditional attitudes.

Both tendencies are essential elements of improving music education since the introduction of modern technologies and methods will not be able to achieve the full effects without accumulated traditional music pedagogical experience. One of the main objectives of the introduction of new methodological approaches in the process of musical development of young pianists is the incorporation of various degrees of their basic training and talent.

The traditional principles about equality of abilities of pupils in need of updating, hence the creation and introduction of different level of difficulty of teaching materials, textbooks, repertoire collections for learning.

Currently in music education, the most relevant is the development of methods for the development of the performing abilities of the students using the synthesis of modern pedagogical and information technologies, new resources.

The most important study of these issues, such as the need to improve modern requirements for training in performance skills through the organization of creative processes and involvement in the problem of technical training. Studying of modern pedagogical technologies; the definition of the structure and content of the classes in the formation of the performing abilities of students; development of system of formation of creative abilities of students by means of information technology.

An important achievement in the field of piano art is that which is based on the analysis of foreign methodological literature for teaching piano, and generalisation of technologies innovative teachers identified effective methods of working on piano technique.

The latest teaching methods and technologies presented in the textbooks and manuals for learning to play the piano at the turn of XX-XXI centuries, play an important practical role, as the use of these innovative methods in musical and educational work with students will contribute to as well as musical and artistic development of young pianists.

The problem consists in overcoming the contradiction between the existing pedagogical resource in educational technology and contemporary needs in innovative approaches to music learning.

Today already created many vivid, original manuals and textbooks for students of piano. But despite this, many educators continue to ignore them and use the old methods of work. This can be explained by the appearance of unusual modern complex systems, such as modular learning system. And all the same it is necessary to use the new textbooks — with textbooks, as modern technologies help to make the learning process interesting and exciting, reveal abilities of students, stimulate their creative inclinations.

Using new methods of teaching piano, any musical work becomes emotionally vivid content. The process of modernization of music education aimed at introduction into practice of new forms of work, which not only expand the boundaries of the subject, but also are effective means in the formation of spiritual and moral potential of the individual student.

It is necessary to provide students with every opportunity for active participation in the learning process, arouse their maximum interest in training in the specialty. The desire of the students to the mastery of performing techniques as an art may achieve its goal only if a systematic, orderly classes. The development of performance abilities of the student by means of information technology enriches the teaching methods, developing aesthetic taste, constantly expanding the horizons of the teacher. The optimal solution of the tasks, including the use of new pedagogical technologies, is needed to complete the training.

Individual approach to learning the piano makes adjustments to the use of innovative teaching methods. Elected are interactive technologies that can improve the process of teaching piano. Among them include graphic organizers: insert, Venn diagram, cluster, and didactic: cinquain and case studies.

One of the main principles of innovative technologies is the principle of individual approach to student. Job training should be conducted on three fronts simultaneously:

1. To familiarize the student with the history of the piano, genres of piano music on the example of national and foreign works.

2. Work on technique. Improvement of the technique of piano playing is the most important task of the pianist.

3. The work of the contractor in the development of professional skills is to work on improving the musical sphere. Need to find new and more expressive tools and paint.

The modern teacher must be competent in many areas, monitor the technical progress and to be ready to study new technologies, such as computer. Today, the Internet occupies a large space in the lives of young people and it is important to direct their attention to the search and study of relevant information useful in teaching music.

The modern teacher should have a broad outlook and flexible thinking active, own approach to learning, where the central place is taken by the student. It is necessary to provide students with every opportunity for active participation in the learning process, arouse their maximum interest in training in the specialty. The desire of the students to the mastery of performing techniques as an art may achieve its goal only if a systematic, orderly classes.

The development of performance abilities of the student by means of information technology enriches the teaching methods, developing aesthetic taste, constantly expanding the horizons of the teacher. A young pianist who becomes an artist, a teacher should be thoughtful, erudite, intellectual, confident in the fact that he wants to say. And, of course, he is obliged to master all the technical means of his art — mastery without which his individual intentions are worth nothing. Moreover, he must give himself without reserve to art, love their art selflessly and faithfully.


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