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Test and its role in educational process

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Автор(ы): Пулатова Нисо Шамуротовна
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №1 2017»  (январь, 2017)
Количество просмотров статьи: 2213
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Pulatova Niso
Teacher of Socio-economical college of Termez
E-mail: yasmina8687@mail.ru

A test is an assessment intended to measure a learner’s knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical fitness. A test may be verbally, on paper, on computer, or in confined area that requires a learner to physically perform a set of skills. Tests vary in style, rigor and requirements. For example, in a closed book test, a learner is often required to rely upon memory to respond to specific items whereas in an open book test, a student may use one or more supplementary tools such as a reference book or calculator when responding to an item. A test may be administered formally or informally. An example of an informal test would be a reading test administered by parent to a child. An example of a formal would be a final examination administered teacher in a classroom. Formal testing often results in a test score. A test score may be interpreted with regards to a norm. [1]

In addition, tests are a way of checking student’s knowledge or comprehension. They are the main tool used to evaluate student’s learning by most educational institutions.

According to research studies, tests have another benefit: they make student learns and remembers more than student might have otherwise. Although it may seem that all tests are the same, many different types of tests exist and each has different aim and style. [2]

Test is a significant factor in evaluation for every teacher to assess student’s knowledge. Tests have been used for a long time widely in every study areas, and it can help to increase learner’s skills. Tests are used for different purposes, and sometimes the same test can be used for more than one purpose.

The purpose of test is to identify what learning has taken place, which is to measure progress up to a given point in time, for example, knowledge of the curriculum, such as aspects of language proficiency, numeracy proficiency and subject content. A test can measure a learner’s ability to use language, but it is unlikely to be able to measure the achievement of a young person in their use of language to appreciate reading and the pleasure they gain from it. [3]

We are more likely to talk about ‘assessment of achievement’ and draw evidence from a range of pupil work to make evaluations of pupil progress. However, within much of the literature on testing, achievement tests refer to tests devised to demonstrate progress in the curriculum, by quantifying and giving scores. Tests are used to diagnose how much you know and what you know. They can help a teacher know what needs to be reviewed or reinforced in class. They also enable the student to identify areas of weakness. These tests are used to place students in the appropriate class or level. For example, in language schools, placement tests are used to check a student’s language level through grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking questions. After establishing the student’s level, the student is placed in the appropriate class to suit his/her needs. Achievement or progress tests measure the students’ improvement in relation to their syllabus. [4]

The tests only contain items which the students have been taught in class. There are two types of progress tests: short-term and long-term. Short-term progress tests check how well students have understood or learned material covered in specific units or chapters. They enable the teacher to decide if remedial or consolidation work is required. Long-term progress tests are also called Course Tests because they check the learners’ progress over the entire course. They enable the students to judge how well they have progressed. Administratively, they are often the sole basis of decisions to promote to a higher level. [5]


  1. www.teachingenglish.org.uk
  2. www.wikipedia.or.
  3. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/test
  4. Cobb, T. (2007).The Compleat Lexical Tutor. http://www.lextutor.ca//.
  5. Diller, K. C. (1978).The Language Teaching Controversy.Rowley, Mass: Newbury House.