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Teaching beginning levels

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Автор(ы): Akhmedova Shahodat Makhmutovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №5 2018»  (май, 2018)
Количество просмотров статьи: 2347
Показать PDF версию Teaching beginning levels

Akhmedova Shaxodat Maxmutovna
The teacher of Теrmez State University

Abstract: The article analyzes the possibility of using interactive teaching technologies and the factors and the words of advice accompanying each will help you to formulate an approach to teaching beginners.

Nowadays the English language is taught as a compulsory subject in all institutions in Uzbekistan. Teaching and learning English has some specific peculiarities and is required a special teaching program and methodology. Studying of scientific-methodological sources, analyzing of current curriculums and texts-books show that the English language plays a great role for students in being a high qualified specialist. But at present the level of teaching and learning the English language doesn’t correspond to modern requirements. It is important to notice that the cause of such negative result-English teachers don’t have enough professional skills and modern requirements aren’t taken into account in current curriculums, text-books and methodological appliances, modern pedagogical technologies aren’t used in teaching foreign languages as well. Present articles is devoted to the problems of Techniques for Teaching English Writing.

Teaching beginning levels. Many teachers consider the beginning level of language intimation to be the most challenging. Since students at this level have little or no prior knowledge of the target language, the teacher (and accompanying techniques and materials) becomes a central determiner in whether students accomplish their goals. This can also be the most tangibly rewarding level for a teacher because the growth of students’ proficiency is apparent in a matter of a few weeks. At the beginning or even false-beginning level, your students have very little language „behind” them. You may therefore be tempted to go along with the popular misconception that the target language cannot be taught directly, that you will have to resort to a good deal of talking „about” the second language in the students’ native language. Such is clearly not the case, as beginning language courses have demonstrated for many decades. But you do have to keep in mind that your students’ capacity for taking in and retaining new words, structures, and concepts is limited. Foremost on your mind as a teacher should be the presentation of material in simple segments that don’t overwhelm your students. Remember, they are just barely beginning!

The following factors and the words of advice accompanying each will help you to formulate an approach to teaching beginners. As you adopt a theoretical stance on each factor, you will be able to design classroom techniques that are consistent with your approach.

Students’ cognitive learning processes. In those first few days and even weeks of language learning, virtually all of the students’ processing with respect to the second language itself is in a focal, controlled for a review of McLaughlin’s cognitive processes and classroom applications. Therefore, you can expect to engage in plenty of competition of a limited number of words, phrases, and sentences. Don’t become if a considerable period of time goes by with little change in these learning modes. liven in the first few days of class, however, you can coax your students into the time peripheral processing by getting them to use practiced language for genuinely meaningful purposes. For example, getting information from a classmate whom a student does not know will require using newly learned language („What’s your name?” „Where do you live?”), but with a focus on the purposes to which the language is put, not on the forms of language. The forms themselves, although still controlled (limited in capacity), nevertheless move into a peripheral mode as students become immersed in the task of seeking genuine information.

The role of the teacher. Beginning students are highly dependent on the teacher for models of language, and so a teacher-centered or teacher-fronted classroom is appropriate for some of your classroom time. Students are able to initiate few questions and comments, so it is your responsibility to „keep the ball rolling.” Still, your beginning level classes need not be devoid of a modicum of student-centered work. Pair work and group work are effective techniques for taking students’ focus off you as the center of attention and for getting them into an interactive frame of mind even at the most beginning level.

Used literature

  1. Brumft C. Communicative Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1992. —166 p.
  2. Duffy G.G. Improving Classroom Reading Instruction: a discussion. making approach. —Boston., 1992. —512 p.
  3. J.J. Jalolov, G.T. Makhkamova, Sh. S. Ashurov English Language teaching methodology Tashkent 2015 стр. 90