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Students’ self-Confidence as a Way to improve English Oral Production in Tenth Grade Students.

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Автор(ы): Хайитова Феруза Абдихаликовна
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №4 2018»  (апрель, 2018)
Количество просмотров статьи: 2419
Показать PDF версию Students’ self-Confidence as a Way to improve English Oral Production in Tenth Grade Students.

Azizova Aziza Djurabekovna
Senior Teacher
Tashkent Medical Academy Termez Branch.


The affective domain is the emotional side of human behavior and it involves a variety of personality aspects such as emotion, motivation, attitude, anxiety, personality and self-confidence. Among these, self-confidence is one of the most influential variables that affect foreign language learning. To find the validity of various previous studies and theories related to the matter, an action research study was done to know more about the lack of oral production in tenth graders students.


Self-confidence, self-esteem, affective domain in language learning, language learning.

The importance of the English language cannot be denied in this modern society since it is the language most commonly taught as a second or foreign language in many countries in the world. As a consequence, it brings students a wide range of opportunities that would benefit their personal and professional growth. In this context, the National Ministry of Education (MEN) promulgated the Bilingual National Program 2004-2019 which includes the standards of competence in a foreign language. MEN proposes to increase the communicative competence in English in the whole educational system to strengthen the national competitiveness. To reach this goal, teachers, private and public institutions at all levels have been motivated to research into the classrooms in order to propose strategies to follow. It is a public school with three sections: preschool, primary and secondary. It has two branches and two shifts (morning and afternoon) and only three hours of English class per week. There are two groups per grade with an average of forty students in each one, these large groups sometimes make the English class noisy, overcrowded, and difficult. The Uzbek School’s PEI (2011) aims at the formation of students from the cultural, historical and social development of their personal experience and transformation from humanism, which is seen as a system where human interests predominate. Humanistic authors are concerned about the “fulfillment of human potentialities and the democratic ideal of humanity as a whole, and sees the modern man as largely responsible for his own destiny”, he also identifies five emphases within humanism that are taken into account: feelings, social relations, responsibility, intellect and self-actualization. The “Human warmth, competitiveness and productivity: a challenge for life by which the values of respect, caring, and cooperation are important to highlight in the education of children” is included. In its mission “The school includes access to the necessary tools to build students’ life projects, involving the improvement of the individual and his social and environmental surroundings”. According to the school PEI, in the proceedings, the school community will have as principles: transparency, efficiency, objectivity, impartiality, warmth, economy, advertising, speed and equality; and the education community will share values like: love, honesty, sincerity, responsibility, justice, solidarity, respect, autonomy, assertive communication and tolerance to grow as an academy institution and build citizenship with the community. Tenth grade students (group 02) are between 15 and 16 years old. There are 30 students (13 girls and 17 boys), the majority of them are at the beginner level according to the standards, they have a good disposition and interest for learning. Among other reasons, the little or very poor English knowledge is due to the lack of exposition to the language of the majority of the students. As a result, great differences were observed in this group, some students who were able to retain and use the foreign language and others who could hardly understand what was taught, having great difficulty to interact orally with other students or teachers and to express themselves due to their shyness, lack of motivation and low confidence. Other aspect that cannot be ignored, is the little support and accompanying that students have at home, where they remain alone most of the time and have few opportunities to express themselves. Students tell their teachers that they are not listened and taken into account by the significant others in their families, and that they are criticized all the time, which make them feel alone and isolated.

The above situations, made the researcher very concerned about the lack of success that students had when learning English at school and the low level that tenth grade students at Uzbek School reached at that time. The researcher came to this conclusion after evaluating all tenth grade students with the CEFR scale which uses the concise overall scales for listening, reading, and writing. To report scores and give students feedback on the CEFR scale, A1 to C2 and the meaning of this score is described using these reporting scales. The reading, writing, and listening tests were applied to the 30 students in tenth grade. Teachers must understand the importance of affect in the classroom, and believe that all students can learn. Teachers who boost student confidence in the classroom can provide the scaffolding for more effective and efficient learning.


  1. Arnold, J. (1999). Affect in Language Learning. Madrid: Cambridge University Press
  2. Harmer, Jeremy (2001).The Practice of English Language Teaching. Longman
  3. Spolsky, B. (1989). Conditions for Second Language Learning. Oxford University press.
  4. Tellis ,W. (1997). Application of a Case Study Methodology .The Qualitative Report, Volume 3, Number 3, September.