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Strategic alignment model

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Автор(ы): Беляева Елизавета Тимофеевна
Рубрика: Экономические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №11 2016»  (ноябрь)
Количество просмотров статьи: 2167
Показать PDF версию Strategic alignment model

Беляева Елизавета Тимофеевна,
студентка НИУ ВШЭ,
г. Москва
E-mail: liz.belyaeva2012@yandex.ru

Some people say that alignment of business strategy and infrastructure and IT strategy and infrastructure is not vital in enterprises. However, some scientists proved them wrong. Strategic alignment model of Henderson and Verkatraman shows the necessity of its implementation and benefits, which this model provides to businesses.

Personally, I strongly support the importance of using the strategic alignment model. The pluses of it are inevitable with the correct implementation. Firstly, by using SAM you can achieve a competitive advantage through information systems. Secondly, it helps enterprises by maximizing the return on its informational technologies investment. And finally, strategic alignment model provides flexibility and direction to react to new opportunities (Using and validating the strategic alignment model, 2004).

Speaking about the emerging concept, I would mention that it is the key point of whole model of Henderson and Verkatraman. Only dividing the concept on strategic fit and functional integration makes it possible to understand the necessity of the alignment of strategies and the alignment of IT and business. This model shows the diversity of possible outcomes of choosing various perspectives of SAM.

As I already mentioned, the perception of what perspective is to be chosen is vital. Sometimes it is not the business strategy that becomes the determinant of the way of operating of the enterprise. It may happen that an information system may become the key in decision of business strategy. For instance, an availability of an IS that provides the exchange of up-to-date information between vendor and distributor may lead to a creation of a brand new business strategy of these two companies based on strategic partnership between them in a long term.

In conclusion, I would like to add that, despite being crucial for large enterprises, strategic alignment model may not be that necessary for small businesses. Nevertheless, defining the right direction of alignment through the strategic alignment model, to my mind, has to become a priority while preliminary stage of planning the architecture of enterprise. Stating my final opinion on SAM I would say that I share the same opinion on the value of both IT and business assets as Henderson and Verkatraman and find SAM as general conception of understating the links between information systems and operational processes and strategies.