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Автор(ы): Марупова Азиза Ахтамовна
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №3 2020»  (март, 2020)
Количество просмотров статьи: 1364

Марупова Азиза Ахтамовна,
преподаватель английского языка,
Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков,

Abstract: The article considers factors that positively affect the formation of professionally communicative competence of students of a non-linguistic university in the process of learning a foreign language. The motivation for the formation of this competency is characterized.

Key words and phrases: motivation factors; foreign language in a non-linguistic university; professionally communicative competence; internal and external motives; linguistic self-confidence; the concept of “possible I”

The 21st century is a century of multicultural dialogue. Integration processes in various fields of politics and economics, a high level of migration raise the problem of intercultural communication, mutual understanding of its participants. These factors lead to changes in the qualification requirements of employers and society for university graduates of various profiles and areas. The formation of a multicultural personality is one of the main goals of modern education. There is an increasing need to revise methods, pedagogical conditions, educational technologies in preparing a qualified employee, competitive in the global labor market, capable of performing production functions at the level of world standards, and having a high level of professional and communicative competence.

The formation of professional and communicative competence of a student of a non-linguistic university, whose components are acmeological, discursive, foreign-language, sociolinguistic competence [8], is a difficult task both theoretically and in practical terms. The main difficulty that we encountered in the formation of the components of professionally-communicative competence is the presence of motivational difficulties.

Based on the works of V. E. Mironova and A. S. Geyvus [3], E. G. Molodykh-Nagaeva and E. A. Chuvilskaya [4], we define the motivation for the formation of professionally-communicative competence as a stimulating element, an impulse for positive the driving forces that motivate the student to carry out educational and cognitive activities, developing intelligence, thinking, private competencies that make up professional and communicative competence, contributing to the productive planning of activities, expected results, deadlines studies and stages of work, involving interaction, oriented towards achieving a high level of formation of the named competency.

In order to diagnose and determine the direction of development of motivation during the formation of students professionally-communicative competence in the study of the discipline “Foreign Language”, testing, questioning and ranking were used. To study motivation, we used a modified method of K. Zamfir “Motivation of professional activity” in the interpretation of A. Rean. The basis is the concept of internal and external motivation.

Internal and external motives were initially considered when studying the causes of motivation in a variety of contexts. The initiative lies in intrinsic motivation (personal motivation of the individual). Motivation is hidden and is expressed in recognition, self-determination. They also distinguish explicit motivation (perceived), associated, for example, with an orientation toward the formation of competence, toward a career, at acquiring connections, etc. External motivation is based on motives that are outside the zone of students’ personal interests — external conditions. An example is material (various types and forms of punishments, rewards) or social motives (competitive activity, recognition). There are difficulties in clearly distinguishing between internal and external motivation. There is a relationship of external and internal motives. Students need to know the reason for setting goals, that is, there is an awareness of specific external motives. During classes in the discipline “Foreign Language”, we deal with incentives that encourage students to act, emotions, ideas, goals and expectations, as well as with specific educational situations, language subgroups, the teacher’s work and professionalism, educational material [4- 6].

A high level of internal motivation in the formation of professional and communicative competence in the process of learning a foreign language is due to the following factors, the effectiveness of which is empirically proven by foreign researchers [9; 10]:

— the formation of a positive attitude towards the speech community and a desire to become a member [9]

— The development of linguistic self-confidence. This is one of the most important motivational factors in teaching a student of a non-linguistic university. It is noted that in multicultural contexts where direct contact with foreign language learners is available, a positive attitude promotes interaction and develops an independent motivational aspect — self-confidence [Ibidem];

— the use of the motivational concept “possible I” — the individual’s idea of who he could become, would like to become, he is afraid to become. “Possible I” provide motivation for becoming a person who he represents himself in the future. Image is an important aspect of this theory. Therefore, if a student can present positive “possible I”, in the future it can be used as motivation in real situations [10].

The results of the study confirm:

— the effectiveness of accounting for these motivation factors;

— the importance of the discipline “Foreign language” for training and the development of professional motivation, as well as for the development of the student’s personality.

In conclusion, we note that taking into account the above-mentioned motivation factors has a positive effect on the attitude to the study of a foreign language, makes it personally-significant, responsible and effective. A significant role is played by a teacher of a foreign language, who, using modern means, forms and technology of education, forms new effective approaches to the development of student motivation.


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