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Motivation in Language Learning

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Автор(ы): Buranova Madina Uktamovna
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №2 2017»  (февраль, 2017)
Количество просмотров статьи: 5838
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Buranova M. U.
E-mail: ziroatsalieva@mail.ru

English is the predominant language of global communication, English students are less compelled to learn foreign languages.

Motivation in language learning plays a vital role. Motivation is regarded as an influential element in the success of any activity. It plays a crucial role in achieving the desired goals. The concept of motivation seems complex since it takes a respectable number of disciplines to arrive at a reasonable understanding of its facets. Dornyei believes that the complexity of the concept of motivation resides in its endeavors to explain individual’s actions on behavior which cannot be accounted for by one panacea approach. The problem as Dornyie asserts is not the lack of theories to explain motivation but rather the abundance of theories and models.

Different people define motivation from different views and it may be due to the existence of different contexts of language learning, but the most important thing is that motivation is a key to learning a language. There are two types of motivation that should be considered when referring to second or foreign language learning. They are language learning motivation and classroom learning motivation. Language learning motivation refers to the motivation to learn or acquire a second language. According to Gardner , it is considered in the socio-educational model of second language acquisition. Based on Clement, it is considered in the social context model. And based on Clement and Noels ,it is considered in the self-determination model. It is a general form of motivation relevant in any second language learning context. It is a general characteristic of the individual that applies to any opportunity to learn the language. It is relatively stable, but it is amenable to change under certain conditions. Classroom learning motivation is what Gardner represents in socio-educational model of second language acquisition, and it is also considered as an integral part of motivation in general. It refers to the motivation in the classroom situation, or any specific situation. It will be influenced by a host of factors associated with language class. So, the teacher, the content of the course, materials and facilities will influence the individual learning motivation. Gardner believes that both educational context and cultural context play an important role in the formation of motivation. In order to make the language learning process a motivating experience, teachers need to put a great deal of thought into learning programs which sustain and boost students’ interest and help them to achieve their term goal.

Encouraging students to become more active participants in a lesson can sometimes assist them to see a purpose for improving their communication skills in the target language. Successful communication using the target language should result in students feeling some sense of accomplishment. The use of an interesting text can also help to increase the motivation level of students in the classroom. Many texts often contain material which fails to capture the interest of students due to the heavy emphasis on vocabulary and grammar. Many foreign texts, however, which have been designed for EFL often contain topics which can create a great deal of classroom interaction and help to motivate students to develop their language skills. It is important for the instructor to take advantage of such discussion topics and help students to realize that, even though they may see no need to become proficient in a second language, the study of another language and culture can only enhance their perception and understanding of other cultures. Probably the most important way to improve motivation is to use English. Using English is fun. It is simply very enjoyable to use English to read a good book, understand a song, watch an interesting movie, get an answer to a computer problem, exchange e-mails with a native speaker, etc. The more someone uses English, the more he will want to use it. This is great, because using English is learning English.


  1. Clement R. 1980. Ethnicity, Contact, and Communicative Competence in a Second Language. In Giles, H., Robinson, W. P. and Smith, P. M. , Language: Social-Psychological Perspectives. Oxford: Pergamon Press
  2. Dornyei Z. 2001. Teaching and Researching Motivation. Harlow. England: Longman.
  3. Gardner RC. 1985. Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The role of Attitudes and Motivation. London: Edward Arnold.
  4. Noels KA, Clement R. 1996. Communication Across Cultures: Social Determinants and Acculturative Consequences. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 28