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Motivating speaking activities for lower levels in primary schools

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Автор(ы): Kayumova Shakhnoza Kobiljonovna, Madiyeva Gavhar Abdulazimovna
Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №12 2018»  (декабрь, 2018)
Количество просмотров статьи: 1636
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Although the need to learn foreign languages is older than human history itself, the origins of modern language education are in the study and teaching of Latin in the 17th century. Innovation in foreign language teaching began in the 19th century and became very rapid in the 20th century. It led to a number of different and sometimes conflicting methods, each trying to be a major improvement over the previous or contemporary methods. The earliest applied linguists included Jean Manesca, Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff, Henry Sweet, Otto Jespersen and Harold Palmer. They worked on setting language teaching principles and approaches based on linguistic and psychological theories, but they left many of the specific practical details for others to devise.

Before designing teaching speaking activities, it was vitally necessary to analyze the different dimensions that shape the teaching of English in primary schools. First of all, it was necessary to review the literature on the topic in order to check the main theories about the teaching of English as a foreign language and teaching speaking specifically. Secondly, the public curriculum established by the Mineduc gives methodological orientations for all primary schools so a work of analysis of this base was also made.

In order to develop an efficient pedagogical proposal it was necessary to identify the most meaningful deficiencies that teachers present or face in the classrooms when teaching the English language. We acknowledge the differentand vast variety of teaching realities inprimary schools, as well as a great variety of weak points thatthese teachers have to deal with everyday.

So language learning involves learning sequences of words for improving speaking skill as well as sequences within words, by having word-combinations of language in long-term memory, language reception and language productions are mode more effective. As learners become familiar with chunks (word combinations) phases, they will also be exposed to the stress and intonation used to produce these chunks.

Therefore, if learners learn speaking fluently in English even they are in primary school it will be better.

Most books on language teaching list the various methods that have been used in the past, often ending with the author’s new method. These new methods are usually presented as coming only from the author’s mind, as the authors generally give no credence to what was done before and do not explain how it relates to the new method. For example, descriptive linguists seem to claim unhesitatingly that there were no scientifically based language teaching methods before their work (which led to the audio-lingual method developed). However, there is significant evidence to the contrary.

Teaching at primary level can cause many teachers, particularly those who have trained to teach adults, a variety of problems and generate a range of worries.

Unfortunately, it is common for teachers to be asked by their institution to teach young learners even though they don’t have specific training. Those first lessons with the class, which are quite probably in a different institution to your regular work, can seem daunting. In this work we’ve analyzed some advice on how to deal with starting work with primary level students and we’ve given ten top classroom management tips.

We have concluded, teaching students speaking skills can encompass strategies that use the different types of speaking and vocabulary instruction in creating word context, content, meaning and application that will prove beneficial and powerful as the student grows to understand the importance and application of words.

As we have come to the conclusion, pupils of primary schools must be taught by effective ways of teaching speaking:

· Teacher should be friendly

· Teacher should give explanations and instructions clearly

· Teacher should be an actor or actress

· Teacher should be as a parent

· Teacher should be attractive by his or her teaching methods

· Teacher should feel self-confidence

· Teacher should be intelligent


  1. Жалолов Ж.Ж. Чет тили ўқитиш методикаси . — Т., 1996.
  2. Kayi H. Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language., 2006.
  3. Newton R. Taylor N. Star Players. Teacher’s Book 1. Mexico D.F.: Richmond Publishing, 2007.