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Infographics as a means for transmitting information

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Автор(ы): Харитонова Татьяна Сергеевна, Овсянникова Диана Юрьевна
Рубрика: Технические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №8 2016»  (август)
Количество просмотров статьи: 2727
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Харитонова Татьяна Сергеевна

Every day volume of information grows, and despite the fact, that there is a growth of means through which a person can receive information and have access to great information resources that, in turn, it opens more options, to extract the desired, useful information becomes more difficult and this requires more time. In addition, great amount increasing of information resources generates increasing information noise - useless information, which occurs in most cases due to the lack of interest of persons, providing information accessible to all. Thus the person is required to find, evaluate, and analyze information, on that respectively you will need to dedicate a lot of time which is typically very lacking. As a solution It is suggested to use an infographic as a means of transmitting graphic information. There are many tools on the market, that allow you to create and edit the various elements of information graphics, which include charts, graphs, flowcharts, maps, and others.

Every day volume of information grows, and despite the fact, that there is a growth of means through which a person can receive information and have access to great information resources that, in turn, it opens more options, to extract the desired, useful information becomes more difficult and this requires more time. In addition, great amount increasing of information resources generates increasing information noise - useless information, which occurs in most cases due to the lack of interest of persons, providing information accessible to all. Thus the person is required to find, evaluate, and analyze information, on that respectively you will need to dedicate a lot of time which is typically very lacking. As a solution It is suggested to use an infographic as a means of transmitting graphic information. There are many tools on the market, that allow you to create and edit the various elements of information graphics, which include charts, graphs, flowcharts, maps, and others.

Firstly, infographics is better assimilated. “According to research, high-quality graphics is more attractive than the same information presented in text form”, this is because most of the information coming into the brain - visually and infographics is a visual representation of information. In addition, Visual information is faster absorbed by the brain than text, so man likes more Visual information. Many experiments were carried out to prove that visual information is assimilated better, for example, medical researchers Daws R. and Ehlers M., proved that, if the instructions to medication is only text, the person acquires 70% of the information, if the instruction add pictures, people will learn 95%.

Secondly, infographic is easier to understand. Infographics is able to «overcome most language and educational barriers». Indeed, infographics is based on graphics i.e. a person perceives and processes Visual images, transforms them into useful information-knowledge. As mentioned above, the Visual information is assimilated better by man. Also undeniable that everyone thinks in his mother tongue, however, in infographics the main source of information is the graphic image that, in no way, will vary depending on the mother tongue of the person, and because it carries a large part of the meaning of a short explanatory text in another language, only slightly reduces the percentage of the assimilation of information. In addition, a graphic image is perceived at any level of knowledge perhaps not fully, but some percentage of the information will be learned, and this percentage will be exactly that useful information which is required to a person on his level of knowledge. Thus, infographics truly largely removes linguistic and educational barriers and simplifies the process of information perception.

Finally, infographics allows to present visually a large amount of information. Infographics materials tend to have a large array of text information on a particular topic such information has instructional or educational nature, and infographics allows to split it into semantic blocks, underline the main idea.

Adding an image, explanatory lines, arrows, signs greatly facilitate the perception of information, allows us to understand the exact meaning of the line, reducing the time for reading unnecessary in this case information. If we consider the possibility of presenting information, which assumes the decomposition of the object into constituent elements, it is expected, you will notice that in this case the graphic dominates but not the text component. This allows you to make such materials be colorful and very understanding. And of course, the most popular option of presenting information – "comparison", so it is possible to prove the visibility of the infographics. For example, let there be given a data table "Monthly rainfall", where each month will correspond to a numeric value, bar graph, built on the same data, then the person indicates much faster and more accurately the month with the maximum and minimum rainfall. The infographics represents visually the information thus it speeds up the perception of the person.

However, despite of the fact that infographics is clear, obvious and better absorbed. It doesn’t occur always. So, with the development of a huge number of tools for working with infographics, the number of low-quality infographics is growing, because not all the people create infographics, based on the rules of its creation. Often the information is poorly analyzed, or overload elements, it is considered that each element should have a composition justification the right choice of colors is required to keep the attention focused on the right elements, i.e. it is required "to find a compromise between richness and volume". Thus, attention turned towards the use of infographics, will contribute to the improvement of its quality, usefulness, and informativeness.

The use of infographics to convey information would help humanity cope with the digestion of huge quantities of information material, spending less time. Because the high-quality infographics allows to absorb more information for less time, it erases the linguistic and educational barriers, allows you to highlight the essence in large volumes of information, provides the necessary information, clear and understandable allowing not to spend time on reading and analysis unnecessary in this time period of time information. Growth opportunities of creating, editing and using infographics will contribute to its quality and spread into all spheres of human activity. Thus, a full understanding of the Foundation of graphical data visualization is a powerful tool in increasing the quality of design visualization in any context, whether a simple chart or something complicated, multidimensional and interactive.