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Independent learning

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Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №4 2017»  (апрель, 2017)
Количество просмотров статьи: 2592
Показать PDF версию Independent learning

Shamuradova Naima Muxtarovna
Teacher of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

Taking responsibility for their own learning is an independent learning. An independent learner will tend to be self-directed and self-reliant. It is pretty obvious for independent learners their own strengths as learners and areas of weakness. They connect the learning within the classroom to the real world and can form their own goals. They tend to be intrinsically motivated by making progress in learning and can mirror on their own progress.

The term of ‘Independent Learning’ is often linked with other approaches to learning such as personalisation, student-centred learning and ownership of learning. Discussion of independent learning frequently arises in the context of important issues such as student-teacher roles and relationships, and the role of information and communications technology in learning

What skills did students need?
The review identified a number of skills that students needed to acquire in order to engage successfully in independent learning:
· Cognitive skills: such as being able to construct informal rules for solving problems; classify objects according to given criteria; form hypotheses; and reason logically. The review authors suggested that these skills were important for creating ‘learner readiness’. An early years study cited in the review concluded that by the age of seven, with the right assistance, students are generally able to hold an internal dialogue using ‘thinking language’.
· Affective skills: these skills are related to managing feelings. Studies in the review identified motivation as the most important affective attribute in relation to independent learning. One study suggested that another important affective skill, which is related to motivation, is ‘delay of gratification’. This refers to the ability to wait for achievement outcomes.

Aspects of whole-school policy and practice which helped support independent learning included:
· support for teachers: several authors noted that school support for teachers
promoting independent learning was a significant factor;
· study support: the review identified study support as an important way in which schools can promote independent learning. Study support involved a range of learning activities taking place outside school hours. Findings indicated that there was a strong connection between independent learning and study support since it enabled students to voluntarily choose their learning activities and set their own learning goals;

How do I promote Independent learning in my students?

1.Give choices: When setting tasks the teacher might consider providing some choice, for example — Here are given ten exercise you are free to choose which five to do answer for homework, Answer either A or B. This method gives the learner not only some control over what they are doing but also enables the teacher to engage in discussion around their choices.

2.Encourage group work: Group work puts scholars in the driving seat. They need to think collaboratively and actively in order to carry out the task. They are distanced from the teacher and commence depending on themselves and each other.

3.After assignments encourage students to predict how well they did: Current method will give the students an opportunity to reflect on their own performance. It will also assist them to identify their own areas of strengths and areas in need of attention

4.Setting learning goals: Initially it needs scaffolding from the teacher, however, getting students to set their own learning goals is very empowering. What is more it encourages the students to self-reflect and self-evaluate. The important thing about setting goals is that you visit it regularly and re-assess. Example of learning goal :

What do I need to improve? How will I do this? How and when will I follow this up?
My vocabulary · Try to use newly acquired words as often as possible. · Regularly check over my vocabulary notebook. · Ask about or look up words that I don’t understand. Next month I will ask my teacher whether she has observed any progress. Talk to her about things that worked for me.

Having taken every mentioned fact into the consideration , the independent learning is one of the key features which should be created and enhanced at the students . Besides , it is one of the key features of the modern education system. With the assist of teachers developing independent learning might lead to creation of aim-oriented , skilful youth.


  1. Broady & Kenning, 1996
  2. Jo Mynard & Robin Sorflaten (2002)
  3. www.google.com