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Effective usage of authentic materials in ESP classes

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Рубрика: Педагогические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №12 2019»  (декабрь, 2019)
Количество просмотров статьи: 1944
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ТерГУ, Узбекистан

TerSU, Uzbekistan

As we know, “authentic materials” are reading texts that were written by native speakers and published in contexts designed specifically for native-speaker consumption, with no thought given to non-native accessibility. The topics, language, syntax, structure, etc., are all pitched at a target audience of native speakers and offered through media intended primarily for native speakers. Authentic materials are, in principle, materials, which have not been adapted in any way. If they are still in principle the same but maybe have been shortened or one or two words changed, then they were only semi-authentic.

Traditionally, authentic materials have been defined, "as those which have been produced for purposes other than to teach language". [1]

Undoubtedly using the authentic texts in teaching languages has proved its efficiency as a means of conveying information to the language learners. Being keen on using authentic texts in English as ESP classes, teachers can able to attain gorgeous objectives in their method of teaching English.

As for beginner level learners, they are capable of assimilating any new information easily through using some pictures and images with simple English taken from popular magazines and websites. For example, from some websites where the teachers can prepare their lesson plans from authentic materials.

For ESP classes we can get authentic materials for improving language skills:

· Listening: TV shows, radio, commercials, news broadcasts, documentaries, movies, phone messages, etc.

· Visual: photographs, art works, signs with symbols, postcards, picture books, etc.

· Printed: restaurant menus, newspaper articles, bulletin board advertisements, company websites, coupons, sales catalogues, travel brochures, maps, telephone books, signs, blogs, movie posters, food labels, etc.

According to my experience, there are following advantages of using authentic materials in ESP classes:

· students will encounter words and constructions that they’d probably never see in formal ESP materials;

· students will also have to filter out the background noises, and at times really concentrate to understand friends talking over one another;

· authentic materials will no-doubt expose the students to culture;

· increase students’ motivation and better meet the learner’s needs.

On using authentic materials as teachers, we should be careful on these factors:

· topic

· target language area

· skills

· students’ needs and interests

Authentic materials as key in receptive skills and learning conventions — “authentic listening” to speakers, ideally on video, in particular. The authenticity of the materials makes them authoritative. Many teachers like to use authentic materials in class, and they can obviously be a wonderful source of language. Nunan D. defines authentic materials as those ‘which have been produced for purposes other than to teach language’, [2] so that might mean emails, blogs, statistics, timetables, advertisements, instructions, labels, menus etc as well as articles from newspapers and magazines.

So, for a good and useful authentic materials in ESP classes we should feel and realize about the definition or the importance of “authentic material” exactly: authentic foreign language materials are those in which authentic language has been used. Authentic language is the language produced by native speakers, for native speakers, to be consumed in a native environment.

Used literature:

  1. Lee W. Authenticity revisited text authenticity and learner authenticity. ELT Journal 49 (4): 323-328., 1995.
  2. Trombly C. Using video units to promote classroom discussion. TESOL Matters, 9 (6), 2000.
  3. Taylor In authentic authenticity or authentic inauthenticity? TESL-EJ, 1 (2)., 1994.


  1. Nunan, D. Designing tasks for the communicative classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.p.99, 1989.
  2. Kishimoto K. Authenticity of compliments and compliment responses in junior high school textbooks authorized by the ministry of education and science. Unpublished graduation thesis, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. 2006.