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Автор(ы): Хаитова Дилафруз Бекпулатовна
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Журнал: «Евразийский Научный Журнал №4 2021»  (апрель, 2021)
Количество просмотров статьи: 1034

Гафурова Камила Равшановна,
Самаркандского государственного института иностранных языков,

Abstract: The system of teaching the English language is built in accordance with the general didactic principles of upbringing education, scientific character, conscientiousness, accessibility and feasibility, considering the individual characteristics of students.

Keywords: English lesson, class, foreign language teaching methods, textbooks.

In the strategy of developing education, high school students require special attention, whose educational activities are required due to changes in the content of various academic disciplines and the need to prepare senior students for further self-education. One of the important didactic principles is the principle of stimulating a positive attitude of student to learning, the formation of cognitive interests, knowledge needs.

Depending on the concept of language education of the institute as a whole, as well as on the number of hours devoted to learning a foreign language, the contingent of students, there is a change in emphasis for teaching purposes. Mastering the English language is associated with the formation of the student’s pronunciation, lexical, grammatical, spelling skills, on the basis of which the ability to understand speech by ear, speak, read and write is developed and improved. Accordingly, the methods and technologies of language teaching are selected.

Depending on the concept of language education of the institute as a whole, as well as on the number of hours devoted to learning a foreign language, the contingent of students, there is a change in emphasis for teaching purposes. Mastering the English language is associated with the formation of the student’s pronunciation, lexical, grammatical, spelling skills, on the basis of which the ability to understand speech by ear, speak, read and write is developed and improved. Accordingly, the methods and technologies of language teaching are selected.

No subject of the institute course requires such constant, systematic work of students as a foreign language. The teacher should make sure that the students understand the specifics of the subject, realize that the main thing in learning a foreign language is to be able to understand the material being learned when listening, reading the text, to be able to use it in their own utterances, and this is achieved only by practice, daily repetition.

Skills are developed only in the course of the systematic execution of certain actions with educational material, such actions that allow you to repeatedly listen, pronounce, read and write in the target language.

The older the students are, the more important is the ability to use teaching aids: reading texts, a dictionary, a grammar reference; the ability to listen to and understand various audio and video texts. So, closer to the senior stage, more emphasis is placed not on the amount of knowledge gained, not on memorizing the rules and conjugation tables, but on developing the skills of students’ independent activity: the ability to independently find the necessary information using the same dictionaries and reference books. Each teacher himself selects those methods and techniques of work that are most suitable in each specific case. Long-term practice shows that many students, even senior classes, do not know how to fully use the information that is contained in institute bilingual dictionaries, for the most part dictionaries are used to translate foreign words into Uzbek and vice versa. The methodology most often also offers options for assignments to teach students the ability to use dictionaries to quickly find words.

To improve the ability to read texts in English, I give assignments so that the reading is meaningful, problematic and allows you to solve the whole range of problems.

In English lessons, we have developed our own system of using dictionaries.

It should be noted that teaching English is sometimes complicated by the fact that the time for a full cycle of working out the language and speech material from the moment of its introduction to creative use in new situations is not enough, certain links of this methodological chain are either skipped or not worked out at the proper level. For example, the process of speech production based on a variety of preliminary communication exercises is most often replaced by the construction of sentences, where it is necessary to be able to consciously apply all studied (and most often not fully studied and even not yet fully studied) grammatical phenomena. It is here that it is important to teach how to quickly obtain and rationally use information from all available manuals, reference books, dictionaries, that is, to instill the skills of independent work.

The listed educational situations, in my opinion, are an effective means of organizing active independent work of high school students. The inclusion of students in a situation of choice and assessment allows students to gradually form a correct assessment of their capabilities. A positive attitude of students towards learning in general depends on the correct choice, planning and assessment of their capabilities. The creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the lesson allows each student to show initiative, independence, ingenuity in the ways of working. An environment is created for the natural expression of the student.


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2. Н.Г.Забродина “Игра как средство развития интереса к изучению французского языка”, ИяШ № 4, 2010.

3. Е.А. Белянко “Использование приёма драматизации при обучении иностранному языку”, ИяШ № 5, 2010.